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Venice, Italy

#veneziacentrostorico #acquaaltaavenezia #lagunadivenezia

#map #map stories #wind rose #acquaalta #venezia #collage #paper #cutout #migration #deirdrekelly #SGgalleryvenice #sggalleryvenezia #sggallery


Biennale D'arte di Venezia, Arsenale

Il problema del mondo è l'uomo. Venezia 💔 #venezia #biennaledivenezia #veneziagram #veneziaunica #veneziadavivere #veneziarte #venezianascosta #veneziatoday #veneziaautentica #libreriaacquaalta #acquaalta #acquaalta2019 #venice #veniceart #visitvenice #magicvenice #venicebiennale #savevenice

Photo by Zara in Biennale D'arte di Venezia, Arsenale. Image may contain: night.

GIORNO ZERO: "Non so voi rega', ma sento che la nostra generazione non c'ha proprio la forza de cambia' le cose." -Nico Corteo del 25 Novembre, Venezia, Italia, 2019. Tarin Ursich o Green.

Photo by @tarinursich on November 24, 2019. Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor.


Sestière Di Cannaregio, Veneto, Italy

Amani asked me to capture a bug on her curtains. I found this critter #scorpioninvenice #venice #biennalearte2019 #acquaaltavenezia


Hotel Bauer Palazzo, Venice

As they say: There is nothing so bad that it is not good for something. In these absolutely extraordinary days for the weather and the high tide, here in #Venice, well, we at the #Bauer Hotel have earned a new #pool! No more #terrace on the Grand Canal, better a swimming pool for next summer! Obviously we're joking to play down... It was a bit complicated, but we, the people of Venice, are used to facing the water, which is part of our heritage! There is only one warning, however, to be considered seriously: our beautiful world, and Venice as its pearl, must be respected and protected! This is the only way to avoid much worse damage! Anyway, here everything is quite ok, for us and for our beloved guests. From tomorrow we'll return to the marvelous normality of life in the #lagoon!

Photo by Hotel Bauer Palazzo, Venice in Hotel Bauer Palazzo, Venice. Image may contain: plant, table and outdoor.

#venezia #acquaalta #acquaaltaavenezia

Ja taas mennään..💦 #acquaalta #venezia #venice #piazzasanmarco

Photo by m a r i k a on November 27, 2019. Image may contain: sky, outdoor and water.

#Bigfoot evolving! 😂😂😂 #high tide #climatechange #acquaaltaavenezia #acquaalta

Photo by Eva Maria Ohtonen on November 23, 2019. Image may contain: one or more people.

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The posts were automatically collected by means of a selection of keywords and #tags, in Italian and English. The contents collected do not represent the opinions and / or the political positions of the AquaGranda project, but they show the points of view expressed by Italian citizens and foreigners in relation to the theme of high water. To report inappropriate material or if you recognize yourself as the owner of the image or appear in the image without your consent and intend to have more information about our archive write to "

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Winner of the Honorary Mention 2023

A project cofunded by European Union

Navigating Aquagranda, a digital community memory

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