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#venezia #veneziaunica #veneziatoday #veneziadavivere #venice #veniceitaly #venedig #acquaalta #acquaaltaavenezia #wonderfulvenice #canalidivenezia #lagunadivenezia

Photo by Dharmadhara on November 19, 2019. Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor.

A thought for all the artisans and their wonderful botteghe, hoping that they will get back on their feet and return practicing their passion as soon as possible. Volunteers, do not hesitate to write if you are ready to lend a hand to reorganize their shops following the exceptional tides of these days. Thank you all. Toni Dalla Venezia is one of all the artisans from Venice who contributes to the cultural richness of this magnificent city. Art framer, gilder and restorer, his unique frames are entirely conceived and made by him. 📸 Andrea Avezzu @iosonoaltrove @artefactmosaic @sartoriabancolotto10 @mariobertabattiloro @tessiturebevilacqua @sergio_boldrin @paolo_remer @annacampagnari @masonefernando @marisaconvento @declare @doppiofondo @emiliaburano @ilforcolaiomatto @fortunyvenezia @danielaghezzoshoes @gabrielegmeiner @guaraldiviolins @adlceramics_venezia @giul.longo @micheluzziglass @massimomicheluzzi @micromega_italia @muranoglassfineart @collectionmuranero @nicolaoateliervenezia @paperoowl @saveriopastor @salvadoredavide @smallcaps_venezia @marinaesusannasent #tonidallavenezia #madeinitaly #craftsmanship #mastercraftsman #handcrafted #crafted #craftedbyhand #artisanmade #artisan #handmadewithlove #oneofakind #handmadeinitaly #details #framer #gilder #restorer #artigianato #mestieri #local #craft #craftsmen #venice #venezia #handmade #madeinvenice #magicplace#hightide #acquaalta #acquaaltavenezia #highwater

Photo by Hand Made In Venice on November 15, 2019. Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and indoor.


Acqua Alta

Las cosas empezaron a ir bien cuando encontré el lugar donde quería estar. Si quieres levitar en medio de letras debes entrar a la @libreriaacquaalta un espacio original y bello, no muy lejos del puente Rialto. . ➖➖➖ . #venezia #venecia #streetphotography #acquaalta #EnjoyRespectVenezia #TRAVEL #TRAVELING #goodvibes #TRAVELADDICT #LOVE #TRAVELGRAM #INSTATRAVELING #followme #wanderlust #lifestyle #luxury #picoftheday #igersoftheday #ttot #winter #35mm

Photo shared by Jorge Sará Borge on November 29, 2019 tagging @lonelyplanet, @igersitalia, @igersvenezia, @tripadvisor, @lonelyplanet_es, and @igersgallery. Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor.

📣 Piazza San Marco is open #Repost @comunevenezia • • • • • • #AcquaAltaVenezia | E' stata riaperta al transito piazza #SanMarco . . ➡ Mano a mano che la marea scende riprendono i collegamenti #Actv . . ➡ Operatori @GruppoVeritas al lavoro per riposizionare le passerelle

Oggi al @Quirinale ho incontrato il Capo dello Stato Sergio #Mattarella. ‬ ‪L’ho ringraziato a nome di tutti i cittadini per l'affetto e la vicinanza che, anche nei giorni terribili dell’#AcquaAlta, ha sempre dimostrato per #Venezia. ‬ ‪Grazie Presidente 🇮🇹

Photo by Luigi Brugnaro on November 26, 2019. Image may contain: sky, cloud and outdoor.

L’acqua alta ci fa un baffo! 😏🌊 . . #venice #hightide #highwater #venedig #venecia #acquaalta #acquaaltaavenezia


Venezia, VE

Lavorare a Venezia con l'acqua alta. Working in Venice during the flood #venezia #venice #veniceitaly #acquaalta #flooding #climatechange #venezia360 #yourshotphotographer #veneziaunica #blackandwhite #biancoenero #cambiamentoclimatico #ヴェネツィア #イタリア #Венеция #Италия #work #working #lavoro

Photo by nicola P_hoto in Venezia, VE. Image may contain: one or more people, shoes and outdoor.

High Tide Venice #venezia #hightidevenice #italy🇮🇹


Venice,italy - Beautiful City of Canals and Gondolas

Dal mio ritorno, ogni singolo giorno acqua alta, per fortuna abitiamo alti, ma la vita non è più la stessa, le scuole sono chiuse da una settimana, mio figlio non può camminare in strada perché l'acqua supera la sua altezza, l'umidità cola dai muri rigonfi delle abitazioni, le sirene interrompono il sonno #graziemose #mose #venice #news #now #sunday #acquaaltaavenezia #acquagrande #hightide #venezia #scandalo #grazieatutti #november #160cm

Photo by 🏔️Gangkhar Puensum⛰️ in Venice,italy - Beautiful City of Canals and Gondolas. Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and indoor.

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The posts were automatically collected by means of a selection of keywords and #tags, in Italian and English. The contents collected do not represent the opinions and / or the political positions of the AquaGranda project, but they show the points of view expressed by Italian citizens and foreigners in relation to the theme of high water. To report inappropriate material or if you recognize yourself as the owner of the image or appear in the image without your consent and intend to have more information about our archive write to "

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Winner of the Honorary Mention 2023

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